One of the legal matters that are dealt with during a divorce in Spain is the custody of the children, for the couples who had children during the time of their marriage or in the case they adopted children. The manner in which the custody of the children is granted to parents depends on a set…
The separation of a couple in Spain has two basic meanings under the Spanish legislation. It is divided between de facto separation and judicial separation, which can take the form of agreed separation and non-agreed separation. There are relevant differences between the two terms. For instance, the de facto separation refers to the decision of the two spouses to live in separate…
The divorce legislation in Spain is regulated under the rules of Family Law. The procedures regarding the manner in which a divorce can take place in this country are regulated by the Law 15/2005, but it must be noted that the procedure can be influenced by the Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003, with regards to the…